Elk hunting is one of the most exciting and challenging hunts you will ever do. The western states offer a variety of elk hunting windows; archery in early September, rifle in late September and October, and late hunts in November. It you want to hear them bugling, look for a hunt in late September in most areas. By mid-October, when most firearms seasons are open, the elk are done breeding.
Utah Hunting Opportunities
Utah has some of the best elk hunting available.  We offer archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts in most of the limited entry units across the state. The majority of our elk hunts take place during the rut.
Archery hunts begin the middle of August thru mid-September.  Rifle hunts begin mid-September at the peak of the rut. Muzzleloader begins the end of September, when the bulls are still screaming.  Late season hunts begin in early November.
Hunting areas are accessible from trucks and ATV’s and there are areas that require hiking and horseback to get into the backcountry.
Elk in Utah are managed by age class. There are six units in the state managed for 7.5 – 8.0 year old bulls and 8 units managed for 6.5 – 7.0 year old bulls. These areas managed for older age bulls have potential to produce 370” plus bulls every year.
Elk permits can be obtained by:
Utah Draw permits  www.wildlife.utah.gov
100% tax deductible auction permit
Landowner Tags purchased via auctions
Cooperative Wildlife Management Units C.W.M.U. tags are permits issued for large tracts of land with special season dates available direct from landowners or their representatives.
We can assist you in obtaining conservation tags or help you with the draw.
Areas We Hunt:
Book Cliffs
Box Elder
Fillmore, Pahvant
La Sal Mountains
Three Corners
Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits
Fish Lake
San Juan
Diamond Mountain
Southwest Desert, Indian Peaks
West Desert
Arizona Hunting Opportunities
Elk permits can be obtained by:
Arizona Draw permits https://www.azgfd.com/
100% tax deductible auction permits
We can assist you in obtaining auction permits or help you with the draw.
Areas We Hunt: SOON TO COME
Wyoming Hunting Opportunities
Wyoming has a mix of limited quota and general season tags available through drawings. There are no landowner permits available to purchase. You can purchase Commissioner and Governor’s licenses.
For most areas, archery hunts are conducted in September during the rut (crossbows are legal) and rifle hunts begin in mid-October and are continued into November.
Hunting areas are accessible from trucks and ATV’s and there are areas that require hiking and horseback to get into the backcountry.
Generally most hunts in Wyoming produce 300” – 330” bulls. There are areas where 350”-370” class bulls are harvested. Occasionally we will harvest higher scoring bulls in some areas.
We also have private ranches leased with limited pressure as well.
Elk permits can be obtained by:
Wyoming Draw permits https://wgfd.wyo.gov/
Purchasing a Commissioner License. This tag allows the hunter to choose an area to hunt during the prescribed season. There are generally 60 of these sold through raffles or auction. Many are a tax deductible auction permit.
Purchasing a Governor’s License. This tag allows the hunter to hunt any open area during the prescribed season. There are generally 10 of these sold through auctions. Most are a tax deductible auction permit.
We can assist you in obtaining Commissioner and Governor’s tags or help you with the draw applications.
Areas We Hunt:
Unit 3
Unit 30
Unit 31
Unit 32
Unit 124
Texas Hunting Opportunities
Texas is predominately private property. Elk are considered a non-native species and therefore can be hunted anytime during the year. Texas Parks and Wildlife require the purchase of a special $48 non-resident 5-day hunting license.
We have free-range and high fence bulls available to hunt. The free-range areas have 350” to 390” class bulls in them and high fence any size bull is available.
Elk permits can be obtained by:
None required. All that is needed is a special $48 non-resident 5-day hunting license.