Trophy mule deer are one of the most sought-after species in North America. They are also one of our favorite animals to hunt. We hunt three of the top states in the west for trophy deer, Utah, Wyoming and Arizona. Trophy size will vary from area to area and permit costs will be reflected in the unit’s hunting quality. We also hunt Sonora, Mexico for desert mule deer.
Utah Hunting Opportunities
Utah has some of the best mule deer hunting available.  We offer archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts in most of the limited entry units across the state.
Archery hunts begin the middle of August thru mid-September.  General muzzleloader season runs from late September thru early October. Rifle hunts begin in late October. There also are some late season muzzleloader hunts available that end in early November.
Utah has general season tags on a separate drawing from the limited entry tags. You can collect points for both general/limited entry areas.
Most of the hunting areas are accessible from trucks and ATV’s.
Deer in Utah are managed by buck-to-doe ratios and some areas require data on age class.
Mule Deer permits can be obtained by:
Utah Draw permits  www.wildlife.utah.gov
100% tax deductible auction permit
Landowner Tags purchased via auctions
We can assist you in obtaining conservation tags or help you with the draw.
Areas We Hunt:
Henry Mountains
Book Cliffs
Fillmore, Pahvant
Fillmore, Oak Creek
La Sal
Thousand Lakes
San Juan
Diamond Mountain
Southwest Desert
West Desert, Vernon
Antelope Island
Arizona Hunting Opportunities
Mule Deer permits can be obtained by:
Arizona Draw permits https://www.azgfd.com/
100% tax deductible auction permit
Over-the-counter archery
We can assist you in obtaining auction permits or help you with the draw.
Areas We Hunt: Coming Soon
Wyoming Hunting Opportunities
Wyoming has a mix of limited quota and general season tags available through drawings. Mule deer applications have to be completed before the end of May. There are no landowner permits available to purchase. You can purchase Commissioner and Governor’s licenses through various non-profit organizations.
For most areas, archery hunts are conducted in September (crossbows are legal) and rifle hunts begin in October and in some areas are continued into November.
Hunting areas are accessible from trucks and ATV’s and there are areas that require to hiking to get into the backcountry.
Generally, most hunts in Wyoming produce 170” to 185” deer. However, we regularly harvest bucks breaking the 200” mark.
We also have a youth mule deer hunt in Wyoming that is easy to obtain permits. This hunt take place the last three days of the season. They hunt management deer/bucks we want removed from the breeding pool on our private leases.
We hunt public lands and have large private ranches leased.
Mule deer permits can be obtained by:
Wyoming Draw permits https://wgfd.wyo.gov/
Purchasing a Commissioner License. This tag allows the hunter to choose an area to hunt during the prescribed season. There are generally 60 of these sold through raffles or auction. Many are a tax-deductible auction permit.
Purchasing a Governor’s License. This tag allows the hunter to hunt any open area during the prescribed season. There are generally 10 of these sold through auctions. Most are a tax-deductible auction permit.
We can assist you in obtaining Commissioner and Governor’s tags or help you with the draw applications.
Areas We Hunt:
Unit 15
Unit 60
Unit 78
Unit 79
Unit 80
Unit 81
Unit 82
Unit 87
Unit 100
Unit 101
Unit 102
Unit 128
Unit 130
Unit 140
Unit 143
Sonora, Mexico Hunting Opportunities
We work with two different individuals in Sonora that have large ranches for mule deer hunting. Mule deer hunting is done in January during the rut. They are modernized ranches with water and feeders in the desert to hold and attract mule deer year-round. Both of these ranchers have new, modern accommodations and provide excellent cooks and food.
Mule deer permits can be obtained by:
Landowner tags in Sonora, Mexico