Turkey hunting is one of our favorite things to do in the Spring. The challenge of calling a big tom within shotgun or archery range is very similar to calling in elk. The weather is usually great; everything is just greening up and the toms are gobbling.
We offer hunts for Merriams, Rio Grande and Goulds turkeys.
Utah Hunting Opportunities
Utah has Merriams and Rio Grande Turkeys. Season dates are early May. You can apply for limited entry tags to hunt earlier than the May general seasons.
Most of the hunting areas are accessible from trucks and ATV’s.
Turkey permits can be obtained by:
Utah Draw permits  www.wildlife.utah.gov
100% tax deductible auction permit
Over-the-counter general season
We can assist you in obtaining conservation tags or help you with the draw.
Areas We Hunt:
All of the regions in Utah
Arizona Hunting Opportunities
Arizona Game and Fish issues all permits through a public draw. Applications are due by the first part of October. Season dates are April 26-May 2 and May 3-23 for hunters drawing a Merriam’s or Rio Grande wild turkey tag; May 3-9 and May 10-30 for hunters drawing a Gould’s wild turkey tag. Archery season is April 26-May 30 depending upon hunt drawn by hunter.  Some archery only and youth areas are over-the-counter.
Arizona permits can be obtained by:
Arizona Draw permits https://www.azgfd.com/
100% tax deductible auction permit
Over-the-counter archery/youth
We can assist you in obtaining auction permits or help you with the draw.
Areas We Hunt: Soon to Come
Wyoming Hunting Opportunities
Wyoming has Merriam’s turkeys. They are easier to call in than some of the other species. Season dates run from the first of April through almost the end of May. Hunting areas are accessible from trucks and ATV’s a little hiking may be required to get away from the road.
Turkey permits can be obtained by:
Areas We Hunt:
Unit 5
Texas Hunting Opportunities
Season dates vary by county. Check local regulations for the county you plan to hunt at https://tpwd.texas.gov/regulations/outdoor-annual/regs/animal_listing
Our area where we hunt is the Rio Grande Texas South Zone. The season starts the end of March and goes through the first few days of May. You can harvest 4 birds.
Areas We Hunt:
Val Verde County
Sonora Mexico Hunting Opportunities
The Goulds turkey hunts we offer in Mexico are phenomenal. There are lots of birds and some exceptional quality. The ranch we work with is first rate on turkey hunting.
Turkey permits can be obtained by:
Landowner tags in Sonora, Mexico